
It’s a fair question to ask how much influence the state house of Minnesota can have on the economy. There is no simple answer, but the best answer is based on fiscal responsibility, a term we rarely hear anymore.

When gas taxes are imposed, they hit our poorest population the hardest. Same with sales tax and more. At their core, every tax is taking money out of the economy as they grab more revenue for the state. Did you receive a rebate from Minnesota’s  budget surplus of 17.5 B last year?  Minnesota’s trifecta sucked this surplus taxes from us,  spent it all and more, increased our government by 40%, then raised taxes again to support their expenditures.  

We do not have a revenue problem in Minnesota, the Democrats have a spending problem.

The current rate of expenditures is a Constitutional and fiscal trespass where the Minnesota Democrat trifecta refuses to abide by and stay within the budget.  Why are illegal aliens prioritized over our own citizens? Why are they receiving incentives such as tuition, housing, medical, cash, and more, over the well-being of our veterans and our own at  risk populations? The curse of every government is that they are spending “other peoples’ money”. It’s like we went to dinner with a friend who’s buying, and we order up every expensive thing on the menu! It’s not our money, right? That’s what we see in the Minnesota legislature, they’re happy to spend lots of “other people’s money”.  

Nothing is free. Stating a government service is free is misleading. Make no mistake, every tax dollar is taken at the point of a gun…just try not paying your taxes, see how that goes. Even more importantly, the government seems incapable of being efficient in anything they do. Every ‘free’ government service is paid for with coerced money from me and you, used and distributed by notoriously inept agencies. 

Sucking money from the state economy is one aspect of leaders impacting the economy. The other is through the laws that they pass. In many states, minimum wage rates have been shoved upward. And now, the same leaders who did that are decrying the costs of goods. We need to tell them you raised wages to the point that a Happy Meal isn’t happy anymore.  And don’t forget, they tax you again for the privilege of buying your not so happy Happy Meal. We need to make sure it doesn’t happen here.

On a national level even democrats are left behind in today’s economy.  Their most vulnerable members do not believe the economy is doing well. Pew Research Center reported April 15, 2024 that for upper income democrats 60% rate the economy excellent or good. Of lower income democrats the rating flips to 68% view it as only fair to poor. That’s right, the party that hates the rich has created an economy that only their richest members can like.

There are so many ways the Minnesota legislature can negatively impact our economy. My goal is to represent you with a voice of clarity. Do we really need to spend this dollar? Why? Can we afford it? This isn’t rocket science. Each of us does the same thing at home all the time. We evaluate our income to determine what we can afford. It’s common sense. It is also missing from the legislature. That is what I will bring back for you as your representative.